Article Details

Title Editorial Vol.6,2
Authors Baier, Daniel, Geyer-Schulz, Andreas, Montanari, Angela, Lausen, Berthold and Pociecha, Józef
Year 2020
Volume 6(2)
Abstract This issue contains revised versions of selected application-oriented papers presented during • the sixth European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA) that took place March 18-20, 2019, at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, and • the fifth German-Polish Seminar on Data Analysis and Applications (GPSDAA) that took place at the same location, one day before. ECDA in Bayreuth (2019) followed previous editions in Luxembourg (2013), Bremen (2014), Colchester (2015), Wroclaw (2017), Paderborn (2018) and was jointly organized by the University of Bayreuth and the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation (GfKl) Data Science Society as well as the British Classification Society (BCS), the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society (CLADAG), the European Association for Data Science (EuADS), the Japanese Classification Society (JCS), and the Section on Classification and Data Analysis of the Polish Statistical Association (SKAD). In addition to ten plenary and semi-plenary talks, numerous sessions and lectures (altogether 160 presentations) took place on topics like Clustering, Classification, Data Science, Image Analysis and Computer Vision, Social Network Analysis, Symbolic Data Analysis, and applications of these methods in Biostatistics, Marketing, Medicine and Health Care, and Social Sciences. Also, specialized sessions were thankfully organized by colleagues, e.g., Bioinformatics and Statistics (organized by Dominik Heider), Complexity, Data Science and Statistics Through Visualization and Classification (Carmela Iorio, Roberta Siciliano), Consumer Preferences and Marketing Analytics (Reinhold Decker, Winfried Steiner), Data Analysis in Finance (Krzysztof Jajuga, Herrmann Locarek-Junge), Data Analysis Models in Economics and Business (Jozef Pociecha), Interpretable Machine Learning (Johannes Fürnkranz, Eneldo Loza Mencía, Ute Schmid), Statistical Learning (Angela Montanari). The venue was the main campus of the University of Bayreuth. Besides the talks and discussions also for physical well-being and sightseeing of the 240 participants was cared for: There was a city tour to the Hofgarten with the new and the old castle, to the UNESCO World Heritage listed opera house and to the baroque Friedrichstrasse. A welcome reception was given in the Wagner Museum after a visit of the residence of Richard Wagner, the Villa Wahnfried. The conference dinner took place at Maisel's brewery. Daniel Baier and his local organization team (with many thanks especially to Karolina Ewers and Benedikt Brand), the 45-member program committee, and the organizers of the specialized sessions have delivered a great event. GPSDAA followed previous German-Polish seminars in Aachen (2009), Krakow (2011), Dresden (2013), Wroclaw (2017), consisted of 13 presentations and was organized by Daniel Baier and Jozef Pociecha.