Title | AI as Arational Intelligence? |
Authors | Füchslin, Rudolf Marcel and Flumini, Dandolo |
Year | 2022 |
Volume | 8(2) |
Abstract | We introduce the notion of arational realisations of abilities. In computer science, rationality often refers to the concept of a rational agent, which is defined by the function or behavior of the agent. We focus in the way how this behavior is described and encoded. We build up on the definition of a rational process/method/argument by Günter Ropohl, which focuses on the interpretability and communicability of the realisation of said process/method. We compare arational with rational realisations of abilities and discuss key questions appearing if arationally realised methods are employed in data science. We further analyse the relevance of arational realisations of abilities for the generation of mathematical proofs, an extreme form of communicable arguments. We conclude that modern computer science could profit from a more intensive and more technical discussion with different branches of theoretical philosophy. |